Peter Pan Outside The Window

Look! It’s Peter!

For a moment, the name feels like mockery.

For a moment, I thought I had joined them.

But in just a moment, I am only looking on.

The family inside embracing,

My boys already forgetting how to fly.


Second star to the right, cold and far away.

But as I near home, the morning softens my wrinkles

And by the time I get there they’ll have disappeared.

It is so easy to be carefree, to be careless.

Just not now, looking in from

Outside the window.


© jsmorgane (Jan 2016)

Things out of place in a resume

A mother, the ground to stand upon
A little brother’s fair hair in the sun
A father’s shoulders to climb like a tree
A first song, still remembered
Two adventurers by the river
Sniffing the air full of Indian summer
The worlds behind the words we read
The satisfaction of achievement
The first time being told you are not good enough
A finished painting hung on the wall
The sheer pleasure of a good conversation
The colleague who believed in what comes after
Two kids reminding me of the ease of living
The friend who sees you when no one else does

© jsmorgane (June 2008)