
Your song
Moving across my face.
My face falling,
Like crumbling mountains.
And each corn of sand
Dancing like standing stones,
Trembling in shared solitude
To hear your voice.
Like the moon forever kindling,
Casting one blind and one seeing eye.
Like the sea, coming and going,
A mirror pool of reflection,
Where from the deep it grows,
Rippling through the ocean,
Calling water to water,
One salty drop to another,
Gushing forth.
Your song.

© jsmorgane

Early Morning

Waking to Your gentle call I curl up in Your lap,
Letting sleep linger yet a little longer.
Your embrace is soft yet forceful and
When I rise, Your hand rests against my cheek,
And I stretch into all Your splendour.

I exhale the last of yesterday and my first words
Turn into a prayer. When I open the shutters
Your laughter kisses me fully on the lips.
When I splash water in my face, Your fingers tickle me
Like the drop stealing down my neck.

When I open the door, You leave with me in the fresh breeze,
Yet You remain to close the door behind me.
I start working towards the evening
When I, with closing eyes, return to Your arms,
Knowing I will wake again to Your smiling face.

© jsmorgane